Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 47: New Recycling Bin

The new recycling bin arrived today and I'm so freakin' excited about it.  Previously we had a tiny green bin that didn't hold much of anything, so we'd have to load up Alcatraz and drive the recyclables to the recycling center, because Ash and I recycle everything that can be recycled.  Going to the RC kinda sucks, so we haven't been in a long time.  I was so excited when I pulled into the driveway and saw Ruby (the recycling bin) sitting next to Oscar (the garbage can).  I immediately filled the can with almost all our recyclables.  And they don't have to be sorted!  I LOVE our new recycle bin.

1 comment:

  1. did you have to ask for that or pay for it? We max out three bins to the point of overflowing...I want one too!
