Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 117: The Ring

Just when I thought I was going to complete an entire week of school (going to all classes for the full class period), I decided to bail on my history class (I did go to 2/3 of the class).  I was getting ready to leave campus when I looked over and saw that weird dome thing across the way and I decided it would be my picture of the day.  So, I parked, crossed this weird and muddy creek (which reminds me, I have to hose off my shoes) and came upon the even weirder dome thing which after some research I discovered is called Annual Ring and has to do with the summer solstice.  I still think it's weird, but I was able to get an interesting picture.


  1. I think this picture is really pretty

  2. It looks warped but cool was the the camera or the fence doing it?

  3. It must be the fence, because I just had the camera on the regular setting.
